Website Hosting Service for Members
What will happen to your research when you pass on?
Are you using a proprietary genealogy or family history program on your computer or one of the online commercial programs to record your family tree and records? Have you thought about publishing on the World Wide Web? Have you thought about what will happen to all of your hard work when you have finished and/or passed on? FHWA offers a hosting service for family trees on the World Wide Web. FHWA Members, former members and Affiliated Societies are invited to use the FHWA Servers hosted by Media Cloud to host their websites. And if you don't have a website already, we can help you there too.
What will the website look like?
The design of your website is up to you and can be as simple or as complex as you want. A number of our members are already using this service. You can view their websites here.
The process is easy!
Setting up your website is quite straight forward. Make a payment to FHWA based on the schedule of fees below and we will supply you with IP address, username, password, etc., so that you can manage your own sub-site within the FHWA Website. We will arrange for you to have a sub-domain. The sub-domain names will take the format where xxxxx is your membership number. If you have your own domain name, we can arrange to have that connected to your sub-domain.
I don't have a web site yet. Can you help me?
For those members who would like to have a website created from their research but who are unlikely to create their own website, FHWA has volunteers who will quote you individually to do the work. Provided you have a GEDCOM with your family tree data in, a simple website could cost as little as $200. Obviously the more work our volunteers have to put in the greater the cost.
What will it cost to host my website?
You can purchase the Hosting Service on a per annum basis for as long as you want FHWA to host your web site. Alternatively, for a fee equivalent to 10 years of hosting, FHWA will host your site for as long as the Society exists (“In Perpetuity”). You can choose to pay “up front” as insurance and we will hold it until you are no longer an active member or you can pay when you decide to retire from research. “In Perpetuity” Websites cannot be updated.
Please read our Web Hosting Terms & Conditions before you proceed.
1GB of webspace.........................................$50 per annum ($75 for former members)
Additional webspace ..................................$25 ($35 for former members) per GB per annum
“In Perpetuity” website...............................$500 one off fee for current members**
**Joining fee will be waived for former members or non-members who wish to join/re-join in order to purchase “In Perpetuity” webspace. As this service is for inactive websites only, you would either need to load the website immediately or else pay an annual fee to enable you to build your perfect website. If our volunteers build the site for you then you would not need to pay the annual fee.
Website creation..........................................request a quote from FHWA support
How do I pay?
Initially, you can sign up for hosting via the relevant product in our Shop. Once your payment has been processed, our team will contact you to determine your requirements and get the process started. Once your website is up and running, annual renewals will be handled as part of our normal membership processing.
I only have paper records. What can I do about that?
FHWA is also offering a digitisation service for those members concerned that all their years of hard work might be just thrown out. The cost will be dependent on how much time is needed to do the scanning and to compile the records in pdf format. Once your records are digitised, you can decide what next steps to take in preserving all your research.
Records digitisation.....................................request a quote from FHWA support.