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Coming soon to the FHWA Library & Research CentreDate:
DUMBLEYUNG AND DISTRICTS: THOSE WHO SERVED On the 640 pages between the book's colourful A3 covers are the illustrated stories of the men and women who served their country in the armed forces and who have connections with the towns of Dumbleyung, Kukerin and surrounding areas. As Lake Grace was part of the Dumbleyung Road Board until 1923, soldiers from Lake Grace are included in the WWI section. The coverage begins with the stories of those who served in the Boer War and continues through to the present day. Congratulations to the five women of the Dumbleyung Defence Book Publishing Committee who collected and compiled the material and published this impressive volume. Donated to FHWA by Chris Loudon, former Webmaster, this important reference book is being processed and will be available in the FHWA Library and Research Centre shortly.