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Recent Posts in FHWA Archives - Western AncestorBack to Main Sunday 28th May 2023
This article was published in 'Western Ancestor' Vol.1 No.9 published in March 1981. Spelling, grammar and punctuation is as per the original. GRAVE NEAR CAPE VLAMING LIGHTHOUSE by Monica Everett On ...0 comment Sunday 21st May 2023
The following article was originally published in 'Branch News' No. 9 Summer 1979 by the Mid-Derbyshire Family History Society. It was subsequently picked up and included in 'Western Ancestor' Vol.1 No.4 in December 1979. Spelling, punctuation and grammar is as per the original. THE ...0 comment
FHWA Archives - Western Ancestor
Sunday 14th May 2023
The following article was published in Western Ancestor, Vol.1 No.5, (publication date unknown but likely about March 1980) on page 4. No author is acknowledged, but it may have been written by Brian Croker or Yvonne Coate. Spelling, grammar and punctuation is as per the original text.
0 comment Sunday 7th May 2023
The following article is reproduced verbatim from Western Ancestor, Vol.1 No.1, published in March 1979 (page 3). A HISTORY OF OUR GROUP by B.J. Croker Early in 1975 Mr Tony Morton of South Perth placed an ...0 comment |