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Membership Products

Membership products have an additional one-off $15 Joining Fee for New Members

  • Annual Subscription - single membership for 12 months $90. Three Journals p.a.
  • Joint Subscription - two members of the same household $135. One set of three Journals p.a.
  • Internet Subsciption - Interstate and OS residents $60. Access to ejournal only.
  • Student Subscription - fulltime WA students $45. Three Journals p.a.

You do not need to send in a form if you have updated your details online and paid via Direct Deposit (no fees) or using the Payment Gateway (fees).

A form is only needed if you want to:

  • pay by cheque,
  • pay by cash or
  • by sending us your credit card details on the form.

Choose the "Cash" payment option if you are sending in your payment with your renewal form received with your last Western Ancestor mailout or by downloading a form below.

Download forms:

Membership Application

Membership Renewal

If you need some help with the renewal process How to RENEW