The Master Genealogist User Group
CONVENORS: Neil Bradley & Robert Atkins
Our group has at it's core a number of experienced users of The Master Genealogist (TMG) and Second Site. In addition we have experience in using Gedsite and ORA (Online Repositary Assistant). Several of our members have their own websites built using Second Site. We are happy to offer assistance to members wishing to build their own website using Gedsite.
Given that TMG is no longer officially supported our meetings tend to concentrate on what our members have achieved in the last quarter. ORA is the new hot tool and if you haven't been exposed to it yet, it is worth coming to one of our meetings to find out. It works with all genealogy software packages.
We are happy to discuss issues that users of other high end packages (Family Historian, Roots Magic etc) might be having at our meetings though most of our suggestions are likely to be conceptual rather help with using a particular aspect of your software.
Our meetings are held quarterly (often online) on the first Sat in Feb, May, Aug, Nov. Book via Events or just click on our next meeting.