Writers Group


Top photo - A sad moment as Fran steps down from the committee.

Bottom photo - Shirley with her June presentation on writing exercises.


The Writers Group got off to a great start on Wed 6 Feb, with 25 attendees, who were treated to an hour-long discussion about printing and publishing. The panel of speakers (Left to Right) - Sue White, Geoff Barber, Robert Holloway and Fran Schifferli - spoke about their experiences. From using an online facility to local printers we heard about layout, and the difficulties of correctly sizing and positioning photographs. It was a lively session and a topic that I’m sure will pop up again.





Are you writing your family history or don't know where to start? 

We welcome new members who want to get and give encouragement, support and help in writing about their families history.

Join our group of family historians who go beyond names and dates to flesh out the stories behind their ancestors. 

Our stories and minutes of meetings are stored in the Writers Shared Drive. We are amassing a huge collection of resources which are available to members!

The Writers Group was established in September 2018 to facilitate, support, encourage and motivate each other to write our families history.

The individual colour groups were revamped late last year and the Feb '24 meeting concluded with members breaking into these smaller groups, with discussions that continued well after the meeting had officially finished. This section of the meeting will be held most months when we meet at May Street (Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct & Dec). Below are some of the colour groups, who were discussing their stories and aims for their writing in 2024.


Orange Group - top; Blue Group - middle; Green Group - bottom